I want to help people fall in love with who they truly are, not just who they imagine themselves to be. 

I want mothers to feel beautiful, and loved, and that this precious moment in time is frozen forever. 

I want parents to look at the images we got, and watch the videos I’ve helped them create, and feel what it felt like to be there. 

The squeeze of that little hug. The gentle tug of those little fingers as they slide through mama’s hair. How soft those chubby little baby cheeks are, and how you just wanna PUT YOUR LIPS ON THEM RIGHT FUCKING NOW. 

I want to change the idea that getting your picture taken is a chore

I want it to be something that you look forward to, because you know it’s going to be fun, it’s going to be easy, and the experience is just half of it. 

After that, the gift that I get to give people is this incredible moment in time. 

Saved forever, and ever, and ever. And it just gets more valuable with time. 

The farther you get from that photo session, the more important those photos are going to be to you.

In the fact that I get to give someone something so beautiful that makes them so incredibly happy, AND lasts forever…

It’s my purpose.

Don’t let your story remain untold.