Franklin Falls Engagement Session

Katie & Scotty are precious angels and playing in the snow with them was the perfect way to spend a day. We originally planned to hike 2 miles total for their snowy winter waterfall engagement session at Franklin Falls. We planned to drive up to the parking lot. Then hike the one mile trail to the waterfall and back to the parking lot. EASY.

Except when we arrived, the 2.7 mile road up to the one mile trail was closed and covered in ice and snow. 

Instead of switching locations, we all agreed to hike the 3.7 miles up to the waterfall, and the 3.7 miles back down the ice to where we had to leave our vehicles. We loaded up our backpacks and started the climb. We slipped and slid and talked and laughed the whole way and somehow made it there with the tiniest bit of daylight left. (I say “somehow” but the only reason I made it up there was because my amazing husband pushed and pulled me and carried all my shit. 🥰) 

We planned to shoot at 4:30 pm, and got there at almost 6:00 pm instead, and we made this absolute magic happen all in about 25 minutes. 

We hiked the 3.7 miles back DOWN (so much easier) in the dark, slipping and sliding and falling on our butts (just me, really), and talking about missing 411 cases. 

By the time we finally made it to our vehicles, we were all grateful for the closed road forcing us to hike and hangout way longer than we had planned. We had a great time, and we will all look back at this session as so much more than just some pictures of them in a beautiful place. The whole experience was well worth the soreness my body felt for days afterward.

I am a “go with the flow” person. I will always make the absolute best out of what I am dealt and figure it out as I go. If anything goes wrong, we can always make it work, and we will have FUN doing it.



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