Let’s face it, better to be prepared than up shit creek without a spare pair of undies. Especially on your wedding day!
Whether you are a wedding professional, a future bride, or a maid of honor who wants to go down in history as the best ever, this list will help you be prepared for all of the most common little disasters that occur.
If you are trying to figure out what the heck to give your friends at their engagement party, or bridal shower, think about making a wedding day emergency kit for them. Collecting items on this list and putting them together can make a simple, and incredibly useful gift for any engaged couple.
I built this list based on my own “emergency” kit that I bring with me to every wedding I shoot. It took me years of hearing people asking for things, that no one remembered to bring, to build my own kit. Now you can use this list to build yours and be the well-prepared hero you’ve always wanted to be.
No two weddings are the same. There will definitely be things on this list that some people don’t need, and others do. Just use it as a guide to try to remember all the little things that could potentially save the day!
What should I bring on my wedding day?

Click Here to download a printable copy of my Wedding Day Emergency Kit Checklist for free
Wanna talk weddings? Send me a message and let me answer your questions!

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