Focus For Fuck’s Sake is a podcast for photographers with ADHD. It’s imperfect, informative, and totally relatable.
Focus ffs is about photography, relationships, neurodivergence, starting/running a business, and doing it all with ADHD, anxiety, and a ‘lil sprinkle of PTSD.
(Here is the text if you can’t listen right this moment!)
“Here at Focus for Fuck’s Sake (FocusFFS), we are going to talk about the struggles of the everyday, normal photographer.
We’ll also sprinkle in a little ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression – All of those full little things that make it just a little bit harder to do our jobs.
I’m going to have amazing guests who are fucking killing it at life.
I’m going to give you all of the tips and tricks that I personally know, and everything that I’m learning along the way.
But most of all I want to inspire you to do what you love, because life is seriously FUCKING SHORT!
So join me anywhere you get your podcasts on Fridays, and “Just the Tip Tuesdays”, and let’s get our shit together… Together!“
FFFS is a podcast for photographers who are just getting started, photographers who dream of starting a business someday, photographers who are afraid to start a business, photographers who already have a business and want more clients, photographers who have too many clients and feel like they are drowning, and photographers who doubt themselves because their disabilities, disadvantages, disorders, or present situation make the idea of following their dreams feel like an impossible feat.
I’m excited to find my ADHD photographer people (ADHDtographers?) and shower them with all the love, support, and “let’s fucking GO!” attitude I can give them.
You can listen anywhere you get your podcasts! And make sure you subscribe to always get notified of new episodes.
Want to be a guest, can’t find it on your favorite podcast player, or have a topic you want me to discuss? Email me at

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